Today we departed Bangor Maine and headed for the White Mountains of New Hampshire. We weren't sure how the trees would look when we got there, because very few trees had begun to change color in Bangor. Rather than driving the interstate or other busy highways we decided to take Highway 2 all the way.

Shortly after we left we got two in town called Carmel, and we almost got caught in the middle of a parade. They were just getting ready to shut the road down as the number of floats and trailers were lining up to travel through the middle of town. I'm sure if we had been 20 minutes later we would have had to wait until the parade was complete.

It turned out to be a relatively short distance but long drive as we wound our way through a number of small towns. It seems like you just leave one town get up to speed of about 50 miles per hour and then have to slow down to 35 miles per hour for the next town. There were very few stretches where the highway speed was 55 miles per hour and that was the maximum anywhere on the route. It took us a few hours to travel 200 km or so to a campground near Jefferson New Hampshire. We entered the White Mountains range near the border between the two states and almost instantly you could see the change in the scenery. Many of the trees in New Hampshire in this area have started to change color. Since it was Saturday we encountered a couple of places where there were tons of vehicles parked on the side of the road near a hiking trail. It would seem that many people are taking advantage of the weekend to hike the trails surrounded by the colorful trees.

Again, no pictures today.