It was the coldest night yet, with our exterior thermometer indicating an overnight low of minus 4. As we waited for the sun to come up and warm the air around us, I went outside to reconnect the water. When I disconnected the night before, I drained the hose and left it laying on the ground. But, apparently I didn't drain it properly as it was frozen, so I had to bring it into the trailer for a few minutes to warm up. A good time to take Baxter for his walk. He was definitely feeling much better and was pretty much back to his normal self.


With the water working again, we completed our morning tasks, loaded up and headed west again. Next stop somewhere in Wyoming. The forecast for more wind.


About an hour into the drive I remembered I hadn't removed the "insulation" from the pipe drain lines under the trailer. Oops! But, next rest stop I pulled over and everything was still in place. Lucky for me because I had used one of Brenda's "good" face cloths.


We continued to follow I-80 to Cheyenne, Wyoming and then north on I-25. Unfortunately no relief from the wind except that it was now a cross-wind and it was harder to drive. We thought we could make it to Casper or Kaycee Wyoming.


The best news of the day was that our cell service returned when we entered Wyoming. As the day progressed, the wind diminished. We could see the coming day was to be mild and relatively wind free - if we could make it further into Wyoming. With that forecast in mind, we pushed as far as we could and arrived in Sheridan Wyoming by about 7:00 PM. We wanted to get an early start, and we thought why pay for a campsite for such a short stay, so we found a welcoming Walmart parking lot. It was a handy spot to pickup a couple needed grocery items and prepare for another cold night.