Our second day at the races. The schedule today is what most would consider the main event. There were quite a few more spectators. We only stayed for a couple of hours so that we could see some of the major competitors. Again, we went back to the Bouse "Y" Spectator area. There was a small hill at one end where you could get a good view of the dust cloud in the distance as each car came toward us. As they went by that position, you could get a very good view of each vehicle.

Directly in front of the parking area had a few jersey barriers set up, but you could stand beside them as the vehicles went past about 50 feet in front of you. You could also stand behind the officials tent and get a brief view of the vehicles come around the corner, head toward you before veering to the left to go past. Very entertaining, but the wind was coming from the was coming the NE and blew the dust in your face. At one point there were about 5 cars in a row, and after the second you could barely see them for the dust cloud.