After a great visit to Cape Tormentine and PEI, we headed to Halifax, NS. We found a nice campground just a few minutes west of Halifax, and once settled in, we headed to downtown Halifax.

The first stop was at the monument to the great Halifax explosion of 1917. It was purported to be the largest non-nuclear explosion in history, and killed thousands and levelled a huge area of the city.

From the explosion monument, we visited the Citadel.  The Citadel is a large fortification that was originally built in the 1700's and was considered a major naval base in the British Empire. It was interesting that much of the information about a soldier's life when stationed at the Citadel was almost identical to what we learned from Fort Henry at Kingston, Ontario. As one individual said "Same army, same rules".

Our intent was to visit Pier 21 and have a late supper. Unfortunately we only had about 15 minutes before Pier 21 closed, and then we had trouble finding our preferred restaurant - the Captain's Boil. (Yes, we originally picked that restaurant because of its' catchy name.) Unfortunately we found it very difficult to find parking in downtown Halifax, so we drove out to the suburbs near our campground for supper.

I have to say I'm surprised how many places close early, are open fewer days or closed completely until next May.

Our day ended about 9pm, and yes, it was a long day.